You're Invited!

Come out for a Townhall style meeting with the Grand Master on Friday April 1 from 7-9pm at the Crawford County Masonic Center located at 11049 Hollis Rd, Meadville.

The Townhall meeting on April 1st is limited to Masons only.  The events of April 2nd are open to the public.

Touring the Western Lodges of the 25th District of Pennsylvania

The Brothers of the Trowel Chapter of the PA Widows Sons (Masons from the 25th District) are hosting a 25th District (Western Lodge) tour ride.
This ride will be touring the Western Lodges of the 25th District of Pennsylvania. Linesville, Conneautville, Albion, Cambridge Springs Meadville and Jamestown will be the stops on this run. The plan is to host a run to Titusville and Tionesta next riding season.
This ride is open to Masons, their families and friends. (not just the 25th District) You are welcome to ride a motorcycle or ride in a car for this event. The tour will stop at all of the above-named Lodges for a tour of each to be conducted by officers/members of each Lodge. Each stop is to last approximately 15 to 30 minutes. The Tour will end at Jamestown Lodge with a picnic-style meal provided by the 25th Masonic District. There is no charge for this event.
Please pass the word to your Lodge members as their participation is encouraged.
See the attached flyer for more details or download it here to share with our less technical brethren.
Questions or concerns may be directed to DDGM Charlie Davis or Brother Ed Farris 
Reservations are a must for this event as we need to make sure there is enough food for everyone.
Reservations can be sent to Brother Ed Farris or DDGM Charlie Davis
Hope to see you and your members at this wonderful event!

April 2021

Hello Brothers, I want to apologize for the lack of updates through out March. As you know this is a voluntary position and unfortunately life often gets in the way. However all is well and there is much to update you all on. There are also some addition to the site I’d like to bring to your attention as well.   First, however, the good news!

March 8th 2021 Br. Eric Mountjoy was raised to the Third Degree in an excellent degree led by Charles Mason PM, along with JW Derrick James





Dan Ewig was promoted to JR. Warden of Pine Lodge #498 in Linesville, PA.

William E. Eckart III, and Joseph J. Eckart received their Third degrees. The degree was conferred by Bro. William E Eckart Jr. PM (father) and the charge was given by Bro. William E Eckart Sr. PM (grandfather). 

While Bro. William the Sr. got to see his grandsons be raised we have since lost him. Farewell my Brother.

Also raised recently was Bro. Chuck Faust, Bro. Shane Heinz, and Bro. J.R. McGrogan. Congratulations to all of you and if anyone has pictures of the even please send them to me. You can email me by clicking here.

As spring and summer approach there will be more going on. I will try to be more diligent in  keeping this site updated. Please be sure to send me events on the Events page and I will get them up as quickly as I can.

We will also be adding an In Memorial page to the site to celebrate those Brothers that have gone before us. I will be asking for pictures and stories from all of you.

February 2021 brings a return to Masonic Meetings.

 February 2021 sees the return of Mason’s meeting in person again. After surviving a long few months of political and social events, as well as  an ongoing pandemic we are finally able to return to our halls.

So let’s get started with the events of note, including my own 2nd degree being conferred. 

After almost exactly a year, Mark Minor WM, of Lodge 408 conferred the 2nd degree to Eric Mountjoy. It was an excellent degree and a great way to start the year.

Left to Right: Charlie Mason, Eric Mountjoy, Mark Minor

William E. Eckart III, and Joseph J. Eckart received their second degrees. The degree was conferred by Bro. William E Eckart Jr. PM (father) and the charge was given by Bro. William E Eckart Sr. PM (grandfather). Bro. Gerald W. Eckart PM was the guide for both candidates. 

Left to Right: Larry T Eckart - cousin, William E. Eckart Sr. PM- grandfather, William E. Eckart III- FC, Charlie Davis DDGM, Joseph J. Eckart- FC, William E Eckart Jr.PM- father, Gerald W. Eckart PM- uncle
Crawford Lodge No. 234. Randall W. Boyle received his Entered Apprentice degree. The degree was conferred by Bro. Randy G. Mead PM.
Left to Right: Randy Boyle,Randy Mead PM

An Announcement from Grand Lodge of Pa.

Due to the unfortunate rapid and severe spike of the Coronavirus in Pennsylvania, effective immediately and until further notice, I am directing any and all lodge activities be cancelled, including, but not limited to: extra, special and/or stated lodge meetings; social functions; schools of instruction, etc., as well as youth groups and community meetings/events that may be scheduled in your lodge building. Lodge officers may continue to pay lodge bills in the ordinary course without lodge approval. This will be in effect through Jan. 31, 2021. We will evaluate the situation and provide additional guidance by Jan. 15, 2021.

While it is extremely disappointing to once again cancel events, these measures are being taken out of an abundance of caution to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our brethren, our loved ones and our communities.

Please continue to reach out to your fellow brethren, their families and widows and offer assistance and support. We are all in this together!

Thomas Gamon IV
R.W. Grand Master

For more information and future updates please check Pa. Grand Lodge website at